Visit our Museum and Gift Shop: 11-4 Thursdays-Sundays


Impact History Today


We Need Your Help

The new Duncan & Miller Museum opened in the Spring of 2019. We remodeled the interior and purchased new display cases. The museum is ADA compliant. Volunteers completed much of the work with donated materials. Please come see our new museum. (Clicking the “Donate” button below will redirect you to PayPal to complete your transaction).

Vintage photo of Duncan and Miller Glass Factory exterior.


Please make check payable to the National Ducan Miller Glass Society and mail to:

National Duncan Glass Society
100 Ridge Avenue Washington, PA


Glass, china, artwork, small antiques and furniture in excellent condition are all accepted as unrestricted donations.
Appreciated securities can also be transferred to the National Duncan Glass Society with possible significant tax benefits for the donor. Please consult your tax advisor.


Including the National Duncan Glass Society in your will can be done in several ways. You may choose a donation of your collection, money, or appreciated securities or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA.

The National Duncan Glass Society is recognized as a 501(c) (3) tax exempt non-profit organization and as a public charity under Section 509(a) (2) under the Internal Revenue Code.